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Thursday, January 28, 2010

THE BACKSTREETBOYS: Mixtape: ‘I Want It That Way,’

This is a mixtape composed of songs that make you go, huh? Songs that, like The Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way," The Strokes, "Is This It?" and Meatloaf's "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)," contain a part of speech-- usually a this, it or that-- that is entirely ambiguous. I'm sorry, you want it what way? What is the this that's not it? Wait, what exactly won't you do? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of these songs. (Some that aren't on this mix, but could be, include "Stir It Up," "That's the Way I Like It," "It's Your Thing," "Gotta Get Thru This," "Let It Loose" "Absurd Without It," "DC Will Do That to You," and "Say It Right," to name just a few.) In other words, the following mixtape is not exhaustive, it's a sampling-- but it's a sampling of some of the best syntactical mysteries in pop music. Prepare to be befuddled by The Unclear Parts of Speech Mixtape.

1. I Want It That Way, The Backstreet Boys

The Backstreet Boys’ best song is a perfect example of a This It That song: What exactly is the ‘that way’ the boys so desperately want? The lyrics don’t do much to clarify: in one instance the band croons, “Believe when I say/ I want it that way,” only to warble in the chorus,” I never wanna hear you say/ I want it that way.” Make up your minds dudes, is “that way” a good or a bad thing? Or is it anal sex?